
You can’t say that: Stories of suppressed speech in universities

In 2020, former Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia, Robert French investigated whether there was a free speech crisis on university campuses. He found conclusively that there wasn’t. But since then, students have come forward with stories of suppressed speech. Drew Pavlou seized international headlines when the University of Queensland suspended him for criticising their connection to the Chinese Communist Party. A free speech debate erupted. If Robert French was right, why was Drew suspended? Was his story a once-off high profile case? Or did it give the public a glimpse into a wider suppression of free speech on university campuses?


The Pub Test.

In this podcast, I take government policies and current affairs into the pub to ask Aussie’s whether they pass the pub test. In other words, I attempt to gauge the temperature of popular opinion about hot topics.


Reconnecting with arts in the pandemic.

I scripted, produced and conducted interviews for this feature podcast which was published on Newsworthy.


Barefoot Bandit: Interview with Casey Ellis

Casey Ellis is the founder and CTO of Bugcrowd, the world’s first crowdsourced hacking platform. He’s part of the new generation of ethical hackers who break into the digital armour of governments and large companies to help find vulnerabilities in their systems. Despite being an Aussie, his company was instrumental in protecting voting security in the 2020 US election and he has just raised $80 million dollars in capital to continue helping companies and institutions protect themselves.
